Updated: 3 October 2019
CFSv2 Seasonal Forecast: 5 km resolution updated every ten days (posted here around the beginning of each month for the month). For more details on data and methodologies and access to electronic updates visit www.extendweather.com.
Rainfall in and around Te Awamutu is forecast to be slight below normal for the month - historical average for four sites provided in graph below (about 130 mm for selected lowland sites and 220 mm on Mt Pirongia).
Three-month precipitation percentage change from historical monthly (lower graph) rainfall. Forecast for slightly wetter than normal conditions for October and even wetter for November. As noted, these seasonal forecasts are updated every ten days (three times a month).
October mean temperatures are expected to be only marginally milder than the historical average – forecast on the left panel and historical mean temperature depicted on the right panel.
The most recent forecast release for October through December shows a slightly cooler than normal October than the historical mean temperature and slightly less cool than normal mean temperatures for the month of November and back to a considerably cooler than normal December.
BRRRRR Spring Extra! The Antarctic Vortex: Anomaly from Monthly Historical Mean Temperature
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